Christian and Spiritual Coaching
“The only one who is able to change the heart of a man; is the one who created man … God.” - Dr. Erika L Epps
“The only one who can change the heart of a man; is the one who created man … God.” - Dr. Erika L Epps
Christian and Spiritual Coaching
Christian coaching is a professional relationship focused on empowering an individual or group to effect change, create new awareness, move into action and step into abundant Christian life in business and personal areas. Christian coaching approaches coaching from a biblical perspective that integrates the biblical worldview when working with individuals to recognize their potential and effect personal change. Additionally, Christian coaching guides individuals to refocus and re-purpose their efforts to align with sound biblical teaching and facilitates your discovery of God's plan for your life and encourages you to put that plan into action. Moreover, Christian coaching will address any negative beliefs that might obstruct individuals from their purpose and helping individuals see themselves as God does, which is, you are whole, beautiful loved, and His creation.
Spiritual coaching is conducted from a holistic ideology of mind, body, soul, and spirit: an integrated connection. Spiritual coaches will guide individuals to find inner happiness, peace, and harmony while supporting them on their journey to find their own sense of wholeness. The focus is on the here and now, mindfulness. Spiritual coaching helps develop deeper faith and understanding of one's spiritual practices and principles. Spiritual coaching will utilize prayer, grounding techniques, guided visual imagery, breathing practices, and journaling strategies. Coaching assists in identifying the gifts and strengths that are buried underneath so purpose can be discovered. Additionally, spiritual coaching addresses and challenges limiting beliefs and any negative perspectives to uncover your desires toward taking steps in achieving your goals. Moreover, spiritual coaching fosters inner healing and tranquility to bring forth spiritual, emotional, cognitive, and physical transformation that imparts into one’s personal and business areas of life; thusly creating a deeper and centered individual. Come … let's grow together.

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